Ways to heal yourself

It’s never easy facing up to an emotional time or traumatic time that you’ve locked away. You might have had to accept your wrong and things aren’t or weren’t as they seemed or even that you didn’t know the full story. It can hurt facing up to this.


Trauma of any kind makes us overly sensitive, thin skinned, overly watchful and prone to pain. It can be so consuming of time and energy, as all our attention is focused on the pain and how to avoid more. We put up walls, barriers and actually test others to avoid disappointment, but there is a more positive way to heal and move forward…

Beginning your healing

When you get to the stage of being fed up of hurting or focussing on the pain, you’ll finally allow yourself to heal. The healing journey takes courage so if you’ve decided to open yourself to healing…WELL DONE, FOR MAKING THE CHOICE!

Past history

Think about past memories that have really stuck with you, the memories that pop back into your mind and you don’t know why. Start from as early as you can think back, the kind that hold a strong emotional connection for you, the ones that have really stuck…how a teacher treat or spoke to you which made you doubt your intelligence, a comment from a friend or family member which made you feel ashamed, a time you were wrong and really give yourself a telling off, the way you treat someone else, things we’d prefer no one knew about us.

All of these memories can stick with us and be causing us an emotional hurt because we havn’t forgiven ourselves. It might take a while to make a list but give yourself a week at the most.


Life coaching and psychic medium


The lord’s prayer


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