My journey began when i discovered happiness wasn’t determined by finances or fitting in with everyone else, but it was living a life i’m happy with.

True happiness in life is not solely dependent on financial success, but rather on creating a lifestyle that brings you joy and fulfillment. This realization inspired me to establish my mediumship and coaching business aimed at helping individuals discover genuine satisfaction in their lives. As your trusted partner on this transformative journey, we will work together to navigate challenges, unlock your untapped potential, and cultivate sustainable habits that lead to long-lasting fulfillment. Through a holistic approach, encompassing mindset mastery, goal setting, action planning, and personalized guidance, we will continuously grow and learn, empowering you to step into your power and design a life that aligns with your deepest desires.

I hold a diploma with distinction for my knowledge of mediumship, attaining an overall score of 99.8% which i gained in 2018.
I also studied and gained my Reiki Master certificate in 2016, also a member of the SNU & ASSMPI.

Elaine was developed by spirit, then went onto take part in workshops and study with a renowned international AFC medium and tutor who then recommended Elaine begin to teach.

Elaine was aware of spirit from a very early age and always felt different to others.

She would find herself in situations or places that were quite spooky to others. Paranormal activities would happen around her tv’s turning on and off, ghostly apparitions would appear, items flying round corners and a host more.

She had an innate way of saying things then find they would come true…she would be surprised at first, but then took them in her stride at times not daring to speak in case it came true!