Take a moment

t's important to feed and nourish your inner self, to take time out, a breather, a rest and relaxation, to treat yourself.
There's so many people who don't realise how easy it can be. Meals or cooking for yourself can be so rewarding when you take the time to prepare and present it with love. So often we just think of the actual act of "just eat" but if it's presented nicely and its appealing to the eye it actually tastes better and we enjoy more.
As you prepare or even while shopping for your ingredients, you can visualise it nicely presented and how fulfilling and tasty it will be. It makes a difference to your dining experience. We aren't always in a position to have someone else cook for us, but it's nice when it happens!
Think of how you feel when visiting a restaurant and how mouthwateringly good your meal looks when served!
Noticing the "little" things
It doesn't have to be "big" things that make you happy, it could be making that call to a friend you've not spoke to for a while not realising how fast time flies. If you go to a park or sitting in the open air, notice how you feel. It can often make you feel "clearheaded" and lighter, you will also start to notice the colours around you starting to stand out more to you, for example sitting in a park, you'll notice the different shades in leaves and you will also notice the sounds as you sit.
As you start noticing the small things and the joy they make you feel, you'll start to become aware of more and you'll notice more too. Doing these often will build a momentum and create more joy.
Facing your fears
Take the time to sit in the quiet and call up your fears, in other words think about what you are afraid of. It may be loneliness, it may be emotional hurt or many fears. Choose to experience it fully. Cry, howl, whimper or whatever sound you want to make to allow it to come out. Ask your inner child what he/she needs, once you know..give in and allow your body to feel your own love.
Start your day in a wonderful way
Each day we have a fresh start, a new opportunity. You choose which side of the bed to get out of. The positive way is to start your day with gratitude, start with "I'm grateful that i woke up today, i'm grateful for a supercomfy, warm bed, i'm grateful for the sun shining today" you'll notice a difference the more days you follow this through.
Create a "sacred space" or "your space"
Be more receptive to subtle energies by physically clearing away clutter, opening the windows and letting fresh air blow through, this allows old stagnant air to leave. Then you can sit and visualise the area filled with peace, love, harmony or use a sage stick to waft through.
Tune in and connect to earth and source
In your cleared space, sit with your back straight so your chakras are aligned, take 3 deep breaths, set your intention to ground yourself. Visualise your own roots going down into and through the layers of the earth into the core, you can then ask Mother Earth to drain all energy that is not for your highest good and instead replace it with revitalising light and energy which will benefit your highest good to fill you.
Alternatively place your left hand on your heart, relaxing your shoulders and your arms, allowing your belly to soften. Take three slow deep breaths, each for a count of four and out for a count of four, bring your attention to your heart, noticing any physical or emotional sensations.
Its amazing how treating yourself in a kinder way can really bring peace, harmony and nourish your soul, if done regularly


Life coaching and psychic medium


Ways to heal yourself


Your hearts desire