Time for you!

Loving yourself is more than nice clothes and hair, yes of course it's about presentation on the outside but there's also loving yourself from the inside.
When you love yourself from within it shines on the outside. The saying "how can you love someone else, if you don't know how to love yourself first" makes sense.
Loving yourself can build your self esteem and give you what i call a "quiet confidence" . It can be the smallest word that's been said to you that's stuck with you, children who have been told they're stupid, worthless or worse can grow up believing it to be true, and because it's an adult that has usually told them they believe it's validated.
Loving yourself can build your self esteem and give you what i call a "quiet confidence"

It can be the smallest word that's been said to you that's stuck with you, children who have been told they're stupid, worthless or worse can grow up believing it to be true, and because it's an adult that has usually told them they believe it's validated. As adults we can also believe words that's said by others, or we see someone who we deem to be better than us, due to looks or accomplishments and we judge ourselves. ​
Imagine being a child or adult and not having those words said to you? Imagine ignoring those words and how confident you would be feeling now?
Society has changed over the years, where we all know or have heard the benefits of being positive, giving positive affirmations and not validating the negative. I believe we are going through a phase of change in the world, which has been creeping up over quite a few years with a few more to go. I myself, made a conscious decision when i had my children that i would only give positive affirmations and not fall into the negative judgements. So when they would have, for example, spelling tests at school, and maybe the mark would be 8/10 or 9/10 and they would say "ah i only got this mark or that mark", i'd always tell them well it's left you room to improve your mark next time, or "it's better than less" but i'd always tell them they can only try their best and the important thing is the trying. If you don't try you will never know. If they ever say their stupid, i tell them "no you're not, you just havn't used your brain but you'll know better next time" I've carried out the positive affirmations throughout their life and they both have a "quiet confidence" about them that always surprises me.
Self confidence is a daily affirmation of "you can do this" "you are better than you think" " you got this" and more.
Daily affirmations of self love can be looking in the mirror once a day and, even in your mind telling yourself your a good person, you look lovely, you deserve success etc they really can change your outlook on yourself as the inner self in acknowledged and validated.
Here are a few ways you can show yourself love.

  1. TUNE IN TO YOURSELF - ​Sit with your back straight, close your eyes and place your left hand over your heart, relax your shoulders and arms and allow your belly to soften​. Take 3 slow deep breaths, breathe in for a count of 4 and out for a count of 4, as you bring your attention to your heart, notice any physical or emotional sensations.

  2. WAKE UP TO WONDERFUL - Each new day gives you the opportunity of which side of the bed to get out of. The positive way is to start the day with gratitude. Say aloud (or in your mind if you're not comfortable out loud) "I'm so grateful for my comfy bed, i'm grateful for my sheets/duvet and pillows, i'm grateful for daylight and i'm grateful i woke up today!"

  3. CREATE A SACRED PEACEFUL PLACE - Creating a sacred, peaceful space in your home makes you more receptive to subtle energies, giving you room to be with your inner thoughts and emotions. First physically clean and clear your space, then energetically clear the space. Open a window to allow the old energy to leave, then smudge with a sage stick or burn an incense stick or nub to cleanse and purify (I use and recommend nag champa, dragons blood, sandalwood) you could then burn a palo santo incense stick, wafting it around to bring in peace and joy. Ideally working up to decluttering your home, room by room. Clearing out items, clothes, ornaments etc anything of no further use or what you havn't worn. Donating to a local charity shop is ideal.

  4. FACE YOUR FEARS - Sit quietly and call your fear upto the surface, this could be visualised or just thinking about it. When you know what your fear is, choose to experience it fully, howl cry, sob, whimper or whatever sound needs to come out. Ask your inner child what they need, once you know, give them it. Allow your body to open to recieving your own love.

​​​You'll find yourself happier, enjoying your life and finding joy within. Life is about experiences good and bad, but with confidence and esteem knowing your own worth will enable you to bring more of the good while feeling better about yourself.
I truly hope some of these techniques work for you.


Life coaching and psychic medium


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