Healing power

We can feel powerless when someone we care for isn't in the best of health or going through a tough time. BUT you're not powerless, physical distance doesn't stop you from sending love and healing. Healing energies aren't limited by distance. With a little technique and lots of good intentions, you can help your loved ones, even from the other side of the world with remote healing.
Every one has the ability to bring solace to others, we are all connected by a cosmic network of divine love, we all have it. The lines are open for you to give and send good vibes, you just need to learn how to focus and have faith in yourself.
To heal a person, you don't need to focus on the illness or injury. Don't imagine tumors shrinking, bones mending etc as that would send some of the energy to the problem itself. Pure intentions will do the very best, keep it simple and visualise the person well, vibrant and smiling.
The power of serenity is a wonderful thing too, so it's important to stay calm before starting on a remote healing session.
A good way to do this is through meditation and by strengthening your contact with the natural world. Some find it helpful to go outside, breathe and fell any stress releasing into the earth. Consciously relax every muscle, so you are a conduit for healing.
Here are some techniques for healing...

  • Archangel Raphael - The master angel of healing, here's one that you can use for yourself too. Light an emerald green candle, if possible surround it with sprigs of lemon balm (not essential), think clearly about the person who you wish to heal. Wash your hands in cool water and dry on a fresh towel. Sit quietly in front of your candle, asking Archangel Raphael to come to you. Shake your hands as if getting rid of tiny drops of water, then rub your palms together until they are warm. Hold your palms facing each other and sense a "mousse" like cushion of energy. This is the energy you are working with. Shape this energy into a sphere and visualise it as a vibrant emerald green colour. When you feel the sphere is pulsating with healing "throw" it at the patient. Ask Raphael to speed it on its way. Visualise it settling over the patient (yourself if healings for you) and being absorbed by them. See them smiling and happy. ground yourself by placing your palms on the floor, thank Raphael and extinguish the candle.

  • Plants and trees - All you need is a token of the person you want to heal. Choose a tree you like the "feel" of, sit against it, close your eyes and tune into the tree until you feel calm. Ask the tree if it will help heal your friend. The answer will be most certainly be yes, and you should have a feeling of welcome. Hold the token in your hand and think of the person the healing is for, draw up energy from the ground allowing it to flow through you and the tree trunk. Visualise the branches sending out healing to your friend and visualise your friend receiving them and glowing. Ask the tree to continue to send your friend healing, hang the token on a tree branch. Move away and you can ground yourself by placing your flat palms on the earth and giving thanks.

  • Crystals - All crystals have healing properties, and any crystal or crystals you feel comfortable with will empower your healing. To send distant healing touch a golden healer (transparent yellow quartz) to the centre of your forehead, then place in the centre of a circle of 8 tumblestones, chosen intuitively or from the list here. They can be all the same or any combination. Breathe slowly and become peaceful. Visualise the stones in the circle sending energy into the golden healer. Imagine a light beaming from the centre of the brow, into the golden healer, which then sends a beam of healing to the person receiving healing. See the powerful healing energy surrounding and entering the person. See them happy, fit, energetic and smiling. Ground your energy by placing your palms on the floor. Give thanks then cleanse your crystals carefully in running water.

  1. Carnelian - A deep red stone is great for general vitality. It can also help with low mood and lower back pain.

  2. Amber - A fossilised resin which comes from trees that bear cones. This helps draw disease from the body and absorbs pain.

  3. Citrine - A yellow stone, good for digestive issues, constipation and menstrual discomfort.

  4. Jade - Possesses serene, nurturing energies and is very cleansing to the system. Encourages stitches to heal quicker and relieves pain during childbirth.

  5. Celestite - Relaxes muscles and eases mental stress. Also good for eliminating toxins from the body.

  6. Amethyst - Encourages sleep, soothes emotions and good for headaches.

  7. Clear quartz - A "master healer" this can be used to help any minor problem or condition.

  • Positive thinking - Thoughts are living things, each positive thought has many times the power of a negative one. Every time you find yourself thinking a negative thought, replace it with an image of a loved one happy and energised healthy, smiling and going about their day. Do this until you start to smile yourself. Soon you will have created a new healing habit for yourself and also created healing by intention.

  • The power of prayer - Whichever god, divine being, higher source you believe in, you can contact them through prayer for help with remote healing. Send out a heartfelt plea that the person you love will be better very soon. Ask as often as you like, say your specific request. Imagine this being received by a loving being who will grant it. Praying is a good way to discharge negative energy as it connects you to the love that is all around us, universal love. Enabling you to have faith and move on to more specific healing actions.

  • Picture or photo healing - You need a photo or picture of the person who will receive the healing, then quietly calm your mind and focus on the persons face visualising the healing surrounding them and entering. See them happy, fit, energised, smiling.

  • Carry a symbol - Find an object which connects you to the person you send healing to. This can be something they gave you, something that connects you on a shared interest etc. Again send loving healing thoughts while focussing on the person, again visualise them receiving the healing and smiling, happy, healthy and energetically vibrant. These are a few various techniques that you might find helpful with healing. If you havn't tried healing before, give them a go you've nothing to lose and you will surprise yourself!


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