letting go

Surrender what doesn't serve you and create more space in your heart and soul for what you need...
from bad habits to holding grudges to full blown addictions we all have burdens we could do with putting aside.
Letting go or loosening the grip on our negative emotions like fear, anger or even releasing attachment to certain people is often harder than it sounds.
We all stand in our pwn way at times by making excuses to hold on a little longer, sometimes conciously and unconciousnessly. Causing ourselves mental, physical suffering and distress not forgetting the emotional and spiritual pain.

How and why do we cling onto behaviours, feelings and people when they are holding us back? How do we release them?
The answers often lie in our early years, as our past influences us massively. Upbringing, betrayals, traumas, humiliations, neglect wounds all form our thought process which become a template in the mind. When triggered cause us to act and react .
One way offinding out what it actually is we need to let go of is recognising when we feel the need to react or act in a certain way. A way that doesn't feel right, a way that doesn't serve us in a good way, in other words a negative way maybe out of spite, jealousy, but it doesn't move us forward it only serves to hold us back. So we've caused ourselves to be stuck in the same pattern of actions and reactions.

The first step is to have a concious awareness of ourselves and this is usually where we often fall down. We automatically push away what makes us feel uncomfortable and out of our conciousness.
become aware of your habits and what you push away, work out what triggers you or maybe brings up strong emotions. Really notice if you do things repeatedly, talk about yourself in a certain way.
In the beginning don't even ask why, just acknowledge your action or reaction and that you over reacted.
keep a diary so you can see repeated patterns which you may not have even noticed, but once you identify the negative behaviours or habits that are holding you back this gives you your intent for letting go. First just let the issue be for a little while, don't fight it, push it away or instantly try to change it as this can make it worse but just be with it. The acknowledgement will allow it to move naturally without forcing it.
Then you can meditate with intention, to visit the lower levels of your subconcious or conciousness as what holds you back, resides in the lower self. " My intention is to connect to the lower world of myself to find my power place and i ask spirit to help me"
In time you can then set your intention to pin down the specific cause of issues which you want to let go.
"My intention is to visit the lower world to find the cause of my anxiety and what would overcome it"
You will most likely see your inner child at a certain age or scenes from childhood. Acknowledge the scenes you see or scenes you witnessed and talk to your inner child explaining "time has passed and the child doesn't have to hang on to pain or humiliation anymore" bringing that child back to the present with you.
Write down any issue or write a letter to your inner child then burn the paper, this way you are dealing with it in the energy mind but also manifesting letting go in the real world.


Life coaching and psychic medium




Psyche & Soma balance