What is a mother’s love

We’ve all seen the quotes, ‘a mother’s love is like a breathe of fresh air’ ‘soft and gentle like a bed of feathers’ ‘warm and inspiring’ but do those quotes actually make sense?

Well to me ’A mothers love is like a breathe of fresh air’ means all is forgiven, as a parent we have unconditional love for our children, and most will forgive them anything though we might not always be happy with childrens choices or behaviours but ultimately we forgive them. And children isn’t always meaning toddlers, babies, teens but covers every age of offspring including grown up children!

So for me, a breathe of fresh air is like a clean sweep, a new start, a fresh beginning, and whatever happens in life we can always appreciate a mams unconditional always forgiving love.

Soft and gentle? not always but i can see how a mothers love seems that way. When we’re stressed and the world seems against us, a hug from a mum can be all it takes to make everything feel ok. It’s that familiar warmth and emotion isnt it, it just melts everything away and helps us pick ourselves up. So it does feel warm and inspiring.

What about a mum who doesnt show emotion? can appear cold?

Maybe she’s showing you in ways that she can, maybe she hasn’t had the emotions shown to her and doing things in her way that she knows.

Unconditional love from a mum is amazing isn’t it?

Because a mum loves unconditionally, it can be so easy to forget they’ve feelings too. Isn’t it great when you can take them for granted, not appreciate them because everyone does it at times. Mums seem to have the ability to forgive and forget with their children and accept a lot of differnt behaviours…OF COURSE THEY DO, THEY GAVE BIRTH TO YOU AND KNOW YOUR WAYS!

A mum has almost always made sacrifices for her children, social life, career’s, in some cases her health. She wears her scars with pride.

So never forget your mum has feelings and a text or a call now and again just shows her your thinking of her.

grey backround, mother and child, thank you, mother for sacrifices you make. brown hair, blonde hair. Elaine somerville

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