The circle of life

I would definately have to agree with this!
I'd not really thought about life cycles until a few years ago, and i can now actually sit back and see where a cycle has begun and ended in my life.
The one that really stuck out to me 2004 i was working as a carer in a nursing home, at the end of Oct 2004 my husband was diagnosed with a rare cancer and doctors gave him a month to build his strength up before starting chemo and radio therapy for 8 weeks. The care home manager was great, moving me to diversional therapist (i'd done that before) so i could reduce my hours and fit it with Peter's daily treatments which i went to with him and my kids. As his treatment started to take it's toll it was clear he needed my support, so i finished my last shift at the care home on Dec 31st 2004 and my life changed. Peter had been a builder and we both had a good income, a nice lifestyle and kids were well looked after. But now it seemed to all fade away and i went through massive changes, we all did. We'd always hoped he would be the first one to survive this rare cancer but in Aug 2008 he passed over. Because Peter had known this he decided we had to learn to live without him and he started to put things into place that would devastate me and my kids and start a ball of lies and deceit that benefitted him as it made it easier to come to terms with not being with us. I know he regretted his decisions.
My life as i'd known it had ended Dec 31st 2004 but at the end of 2013, i had a call from a friend who i'd known since the age of 19 and who i'd worked with in the home, to say my job had come open, though it had on many occasions over the years but for some reason i came to his mind then, he'd spoke to the manager and she'd asked me to go was Dec 2013 and i restarted my job Jan 2014..i remember thoughts coming into my mind "10 years virtually to the day" , " I was back living my life", and "my life had continued in the exact same spot" as it had seemed to come apart. So the 10 year cycle had started Dec 2004 and ended Jan 2014..I wouldn't change anything about those 10 years as i found a lot out about myself, my strength and how people can see things in a totally different perspective to how they actually are. It made me see how negative people will make anything fit to how they want it to look so it suits them, and how people's misconceptions can be twisted due to what's going on around them and how to some people 2 + 2 make 39, 42, 75 etc anything rather than 2 + 2 actually making 4. I remember going through the worst of that time and hearing the words "the truth will out" and not realising yes the truth does come out eventually! But more on that in future blogs...
So life definately comes in life cycles, if you look back over events and happenings in your life, you'll see your cycles


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