Signs from loved ones

Do you feel your loved ones in spirit are trying to contact with you?
Sometimes, it could be feeling a presence around you, at times it could be you see someone out the corner of your eye and when you turn, no one is there. These can be very subtle, experiences like these could mean your receiving signs from the spirit world.
Here are the 10 most common signs;

Very often a feather can appear from nowhere and can be in the most strangest of places. Recently just before a private reading, i was preparing myself and took 10 mins to clear my mind, i was aware of a lady making contact with me and a feather floated down onto my knee, i instinctively knew it was for my client and sure enough, she had been finding feathers for a couple of days and also was having a tattoo in memory of the lady and hadn't known whether to include a feather, her granma helped her make that decision. We were both blown away by the contact that had been made and she was happy to take the feather with her.
When spirit are around us we see a shadow very quickly, it can happen in a split second and dissappears as quick as it appears. Sometimes a clear shadow other times like a mist or a fog as spirits aren't solid. P|ets can also make their presence known in this way, one of my dog's, a collie named Blue, who was very special to me, i knew his time was coming but knew it wasn't quite yet. One day i let him in the garden, as i stood at the door watching him, he took a few steps then looked back at me not knowing whether to go further or not, at the gate i could clearly see Charlie my collie who had passed 18 months earlier and who Blue missed. For a few days i felt Charlie's presence and heard noises he would make, approx a week after seeing Charlie it was Blue's time. I was heartbroken as he'd been a gift from my husband for me and the kids to remember him by, but i knew he was back with Charlie. Amazing to see the love between animals carries on too.
Phone's ringing
There are quite a few people who still have loved ones numbers and maybe ring to listen to a vioicemail or just to see there name in a call record. I had heard of times when a phone would ring showing a loved ones name but when answered it was empty, My mom had an episode of phone calls to her home phone, which would be one ring then nothing at the end of the call, when she checked her last number called? it was her own home phone number.
A lot of people capture orbs on photo's or see orbs, orbs are spirit and their way of letting us know they are around us. A high percentage of the time they appear are on family photo's of weddings, family celebrations, christmas, birthdays etc. It's their way of saying "We're here and we havn't forgot" they are still part of your family but just in another world.
Butterflies can be so colourful and eyecatching, but they don't live very long. Sometimes seeing a butterfly can mean a transformation has happened, a loved one acknowledging they are around you and aware of the transition. I didn't witness it but i heard a medium i know had been giving a message at a public event when a butterfly had appeared from nowhere and flew around the room, an amazing sign for the person receiving that message.
In Chinese legend, seeing a butterfly can mean a loved one has come to visit from the other side, so if a face or voice comes to mind, it's the soul of that person letting you know they are around you.
Have you heard a song or music that you've not heard for a long time that maybe reminds you of a loved one and memories of them, you put the car radio on or tv and the music or song plays. This is also a sign, a lady i did a reading for and who was so racked with grief, the person she wanted to hear from connected, he'd said he wanted her to know he was fine but wanted her to live life for both of them and he'd played their song for her to remember him, she confirmed she'd watched a film and the song had unexpectedly played, unfortunately she was so wrapped in grief she wouldn't accept it was him. Hopefully she's heard it more and realised he's around her.
Lights flickering
Another way for loved ones to give you a sign is lights flickering or bulbs blowing, because spirit is energy they can sometimes cause a small surge. You might have been thinking of someone and a light dims for a second or flickers on and off.
At a demonstration i told a lady her husband was flickering the lights in the lamp by his chair to let her know he was happy she'd started sitting in it, she confirmed she'd not sat in his chair since he passed but had recently started to and yes the lamp was flickering since then. She was so happy to receive that confirmation he was still there and it goes to show spirit indeed do give us signs!
So when lights flicker or start to dim, don't be afraid just ask "who is this?" and trust the face you might see or the voice you might hear.
Temperature change
One of the most commonest signs, you've heard the saying "someone just walked over my grave" well it literally is a visit from beyond the grave! because spirit are pure energy it can be felt strongly by a lot of people, sometimes a shiver, breeze or the hair standing on end for no reason. A gentleman told me he stood at a certain spot in his home as it gave him the best view of his wife wherever she was in the home but not her proper home?, i told the lady and she was quite shocked! she confirmed at the spot i said there was always a freezing cold, what seemed to be a pocket of air. She was a romany gypsy and her caravan sat next to a bungalow on a purpose built lot, she spent days in the bungalow which is where she felt the cold air but the caravan was her home which she slept. She knew then her husband continued to be around her. When i visited the lady at a later date, i felt drawn to a spot and she confirmed it was the exact spot.
Numbers or clocks stopping at certain times
Seeing numbers repetatively can be a sign from loved ones as numbers also have meanings, if you're seeing 11.11, 111, 111.1 or number sequences with many different numbers, the number that stands out the most will be the one to take notice of. While doing my accounts last year, the number sequence 77 kept popping out, the microwave clock was flashing 7777, numbers were adding up but ending in 77, bank statement had 77 popping up. It stuck out that much i thought "hmm i'll have to take notice" the number sequences of 7's means too much thinking of finances..i had a giggle at that one as i'd spent hours going over and double checking accounts, finding mislaid receipts! So someone was having a laugh with me so spirit still show their humour bringing upliftment when needed!
Clocks might stop at a time of someone's passing bringing them to your mind, letting you know they're round you. Sometimes clocks will go back to normal once you notice and sometimes they need a new battery but it's a lovely sign.
Number plates
How many times have you been sat in traffic looking at number plates and names of loved ones pop out? A few days after my dog Blue passed, i was feeling down that i'd not sensed him and thought he didn't want to come see me as he didnt want to go. Davy had told me the day before, he'd been in traffic thinking about Blue, when a car passed with the number plate Blu, the next day we were driving along and i was thinking "he doesn't want to come, but i wish he would give me a sign!" an extraordinary thing happened..7 bright shiny BLUE cars passed some over took and some were oncoming but it was as if they were in a line, no different coloured cars inbetween them, and i just felt his love, as i was counting i got to 7 then i heard 14, that was his age when he passed. Extraordinary how loved ones and pets can all give us signs!

So next time you have signs, say hello!


Life coaching and psychic medium

Past life regression

